Various countries: Study Contract for the Investigation into the Impact on Occupational Safety and Health in Europe of the Increasing Use of Portable Computing and Communication Devices
Subject Area
Pension, Equal Opportunities
Description of Project
The general objectives:
The general objective of the project is to research into the impact on occupational safety and health in Europe of the increasing use of portable and communication devices
The specific objectives:
The study provides an overview about various types of portable computing and communication devices currently in use and gives information on how this field is developing. Furthermore the study describes the hazards presented by the use of these devices and risk for the workers. It provides an assessment on psychosocial and ergonomic risk factors. The study includes implications for OHS Management System and regulation and enforcement of OHS in Europe. The recommendations for practical OHS Management are given. Finally within the study is provided a comprehensive report summarising findings how the use of portable computing and communication devices is having influence on the management of health and safety in the workplaces.