Various countries: Study Contract to Improve the Knowledge on the Socio-Economic Impact of Pension Systems on Women
Subject Area
Pension, Equal Opportunities
Donor organization
European Commission, DG Employment
Description of Project
The general objective of the project is to improve the knowledge on the socio-economic impact of pension systems on the situation of women and thereby to assess to which extend social protection and in particular pensions can promote equality between women and men.
The study provides an overview about the income situation of women and men in 15 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and assesses available internationally comparative and national studies and data. The focus is on income deriving from pension entitlements of all kinds.
The study furthermore concentrates on measures taken in those countries to diminish gender inequalities with regard to pensions. It identifies the measures taken and will provide an analysis in how far they are effective in reducing gender inequalities. Finally five countries (Estonia, Germany, Italy, Poland and the UK) are analysed in more detail in order to identify how different measures affect women with different life courses. Best practice examples will identified in improving gender equality with regards to pension.
The study includes
- A state-of-the-art report on the income situation (pensions) of women and men and comparative and national studies and data
- Short country profiles on measures taken to offset gender inequalities and their effectiveness
- Final study including comparative analysis, country cases, scenarios and best practises