Serbia: Training of Health Service Management in Serbia
Description of Project
General objective:
Strengthening of health service reform and development of a comprehensive, sustainable management training programme in the health sector in Serbia in accordance with internationally recognized standards.
Specific objectives:
- Establishment of a sustainable country wide institutional model of health management education (HME) in Serbia
- Establishment, equipping (design and preparation of a tender procedure for a distance learning system inclduing videoconferencing and IT equipment for the 4 Medical Faculties with a total budget of 500,000 Euro) and refurbishing (preparation of a global structural reinforcement design & build tender dossier on the basis of a negotiated works procedure with a total budget of 500,000 Euro) national Centre for Health Management Training within the Medical Faculty in the University of Belgrade with a national comprehensive and sustainable health management education programme
- Design of Master’s program in Health Management (MHM) applicable to Serbia and internationally recognized and accreditation from the national agency
- Development of References and Guidelines for the Serbian Health Sector
- Preparation of Serbian specific learning materials, studies and courses for Master’s in Health Management program
- Increasing staff capacity to deliver relevant, innovative HME and training by mentoring Serbian academics and trainers to be the core staff of the Centre for Health Management
- Provision and delivery of one-year Health Management courses at Master level for three generation of students (32 and 35 students each generation). The Master of Health Management has been fully accredited and certified as an academic master’s study programme by the Serbian Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (CAQA), the agency responsible for the assessment and accreditation of higher education programmes.
Core courses: Health Management, Human Resources Planning, Health Planning and Development, Management and Organisational Behaviour, Health Care Systems, Health Economics, Health Care Financial Management.
Elective course: Cost Accounting, Management Decision Making and Priority Setting, Ethics, Laws and Regulations in Health Management, Leadership in Healthcare, Health Policy Studies, Strategic Management and Change, Project Management, Training and Health Workforce Development, Assessing and Developing Managerial Performance, Epidemiology and Statistics, Health Care quality and Safety Improvement, Health Needs Assessment, Marketing in Health Care Organisations.
- Provision of scholarships for students in health management programmes abroad
- Conducting Short term health management courses nationally (including: Teamwork, communication and change management, Changing health care delivery systems, Safety and quality in health care, Health planning and needs assessment, Management for nurses, Clinical governance, Clinical improvement and clinical indicators, Clinicians as managers, Health system reform, Workforce planning, Change Management models and applications, Hospital funding models, Changing service delivery models, Identifying and solving organizational problems, Performance improvement, Improving communication in health organizations, Analyzing health care costs, Human Resources management and planning, Strategic planning and analysis, Management skills (motivation, leadership, teambuilding), Health reform trends and strategies, Distance education capabilities, through E learning and videoconferencing. Around 1500 employees of the Serbian public health sector trained through short courses on different health management topics
- Provision of short term courses and workshops for around 1250 nurses at mid-management and senior levels from all regions of Serbia on nursing and nursing management with the aim to support nurses (and the nursing profession) in the development of management capacity with a view to optimising their future contribution to healthcare management. Core elements of nursing management workshops include: Global Perspectives on the Nursing Profession and Nursing Roles; Management of the Nursing Workforce; Organisation of Nursing Care; Quality Assurance and Risk Management in Nursing
- Conducting conferences
Description of Services
Strengthening of health service reform and development of a training programme:
- Support to the institutional and structural establishment of a sustainable HME programme
- Support to the delivery of a master programme
- Delivery of courses for a full master programme
- Training