Germany: eHealth Conference 2010 - Telematics Adds Value
Description of Project
The “eHealth Conference 2010” is the central discussion and communication forum for politics, funding agencies, healthcare service providers, patient representatives, sciences and the industry. In the scope of the slogan “Telematics adds value”, recent developments as well as exemplary projects in Germany will be presented. A view on healthcare telematics systems applied by other countries is supposed to broaden the perspective of the national discussion.
During this Conference, representatives of the political field, science and industry will be speaking as well as top-level representatives of funding agencies and healthcare service providers of Germany. Also, further international contributions are planned. The Federal Minister of Health, the Minister of Social Affairs, Women, Family and Health of Lower Saxony, and further high-ranking representatives of Federal States of Germany have already confirmed their participation.
The “eHealth Conference 2010” takes place on 14th / 15th September 2010 in Hannover, Germany with about 400 participants (thereof 55 speakers).
GVG, as one of three hosts, is responsible for the conference management and the conceptual design in close cooperation with the other hosts and the programme committee. GVG organises the location, facilities, technical and other equipment, staff, print material and catering. It supports speakers and high ranking participants as well as exhibitors. GVG controls the finances, runs and evaluates the event. It documents the results of the conference.