Serbia: Bilateral Cooperation with Serbia in Health Policy (Deutsch-serbische Beziehungen in der Gesundheitspolitik – Krankenversicherung und Gesundheitsversorgung 2010/2011)
Description of Project
General objective:
The project’s objective is to inform Serbian high-level officials about current developments in Germany, specifically about those with reference to challenges on the Serbian Agenda. Moreover, young staff members from Serbia will have the opportunity to gain extensive insight into the Federal German Ministry of Health’s work, in order to contribute these experiences to the ongoing reform process in Serbia, while substantially strengthening the German-Serbian cooperation.
Specific objectives:
- A six months internship for two young Serbian staff members within the Federal German Ministry of Health
- A study tour for eight Serbian high-level officials presenting current developments and important reform processes as well as innovations in the German health system.
- A three day expert workshop for five Serbian high-level officials, offering the opportunity to deepen their knowledge during discussions with experts from the Federal German Ministry of Health and other important actors from the German health system.